“I’m Qualified! For EVERY job you have!”

One thing that really gets me going is when someone applies for 12 jobs on your site. And it’s not as though they are the software architect applying for all software jobs. It’s when they apply for the sales job, the accounting job, the medical examiner job, and so on.

REALLY? Are you qualified for all of those? Because if so, I have a car-sales business with bad numbers, and employees having heartattacks everywhere. HELP ME!  NASA could probably use a former Doogie Howser with some skills like that.

I think that it is a poor judgement on the part of the job seeker to just splatter a resume all over a career site. The intent is clear – the more I apply the more chance they will see my qualifications. When reality is when we see you apply for 15 jobs, we are much more likely to go on to the targeted candidate who has clearly targeted the one role they are most qualified for.

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